

Increased Nutrients + Energy Levels

When we unlock the nutrients available in our food through sprouting, we make it easier for our bodies to use those nutrients to increase our energy, boost our immune system, regulate hormones, improve gut health and so much more.

While whole grains and their sprouted counterparts contain the same nutrients, the amount of nutrients can vary. By breaking down anti-nutrient inhibitors through activation and sprouting, B vitamins, folate, vitamin C, fibre and certain amino acids are up to 3 times more available for our bodies to absorb. This process also allows our bodies to absorb the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc much more efficiently.

Research has shown that sprouting rye increases folate levels within seeds by up to 3.8 times compared to unsprouted rye, and safeguards nutrient losses during the baking process. Sprouted grains are also an excellent energy stabiliser by helping to prevent spikes in blood sugar throughout the day.

Plant Based Protein Source

Proteins are essential for our bodies to produce healthy cells, hormones, enzymes and other body chemicals. It helps us stay fuller for longer, and is needed to maintain and build healthy muscle tissue.

When seeds undergo the sprouting process, protein inhibitor factors are broken down and difficult to digest protein structures are transformed into their simpler, bioavailable amino acid forms.

Did you know it is recommended the average person consume 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight? The combination of grains and legumes in our Ezekiel bread are a complete plant-based protein source. Just two slices of Ezekiel bread will provide you with 13.2g of protein, almost double the amount of protein in conventional bread!

Excellent Source of Fibre

Fibre keeps us feeling full for longer, assists in maintaining a healthy weight and lowers the risk of diabetes, digestive problems and heart disease. Sprouting grains also increase the amount of available dietary fibre, as well as free amino acids and antioxidants!

Did you know the average person should aim for 25-30 grams of fibre daily? Due to the sprouting process, our breads have more fibre than conventional bread. Just two slices of our sprouted Rye bread provide you with 12.6 grams of fibre – half of your daily needs!


Increases Digestibility

Our sprouted breads are great for those who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), food sensitivities, certain allergies or trouble digesting conventional bread. Our Spelt, Khorasan, Brown Rice & Flax (GF), Spelt Pizza Bases and Sunflower Sourdough products are all Low FODMAP. 

During the sprouting process, difficult to digest starches and proteins undergo a transformation, resulting in easier to digest forms of these. Studies found that sprouting grains increased certain amino acids, increased enzymes (for improved digestion), and decreased starch.

Improves Gut Health

Good health starts with the gut. Sprouted grains are a great natural source of prebiotics – the perfect fuel to keep your gut happy.

The gastrointestinal tract begins with our mouth and extends all the way through to the colon. The food we eat (or don’t eat) directly correlates with our gut microbiome.

You may be familiar with probiotics, the army of good bacteria we can find from fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, yoghurt and kefir.

But… have you heard of prebiotics?

Prebiotics are a type of non-digestible carbohydrate that support digestive health and give fuel to the good bacteria in the gut. They are plentiful in sprouted whole grain foods, chicory root, dandelion greens and more. Probiotics and prebiotics work in synergy and interact in a beneficial way when consumed together.

Increase in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are powerhouse compounds found in many foods. They work to protect against free radicals and reduce cell damage.

Studies have shown that a diet high in antioxidants is associated with a lower incidence of certain cancers and heart disease. Studies have found that sprouting grains such as amaranth, millet, brown rice and wheat produce increased antioxidant activity compared to the non-sprouted seed.

Low Sodium

All our products are considered to have low levels of sodium. We do not add salt to any of our products apart from our Brown Rice & Flax (GF) loaf, which is still considered to be low in sodium.

This means all products are great for those on low sodium diets, including those suffering Meniere’s Disease.